Cos it's nice to smile before bed rather than howl in despair.

Has anyone else been feeling that everywhere you turn, the world is doom and gloom? The news, your feed, your mum...everything is full of bad news vibes. Some of this is important, of course, and it's always good to stay abreast of what is happening in the world. But sometimes, particularly before bed, we just need to look at something you know...not anxiety-inducing. Check out our Top 10 insta accounts that are full of good vibes - and feel free to add to the list of happy accounts that will make us all smile!
The Happy Newspaper @thehappynewspaper

I came across this when I was desperately looking for something good to read on my 3am scroll. Created by Britain's Emily Coxhead, the cute af Happy Newspaper bills itself as a 'platform to share positive news and wonderful people'. With cute doodles, stories, videos and one-liners, their only goal is to make you smile.
Humans of New York @humansofny

One of the most popular accounts on Instagram, Humans of New York, or 'HONY', shares stories from everyday people from all walks of life. Happy, sad, strange and exciting, it's all about how the man behind the account, Brandon Stanton, is able to communicate these stories that makes them truly gripping and unforgettable.
Maple Gram @maple_gram

We couldn't share happy accounts without mentioning the staff! Beloved LAL Advice Columnist, rescue dog Maple, has her own little Instagram, with her only purpose being to make you smile. You can follow her adventures above.
The Betoota Advocate @betootaadvocate

Guys, seriously - LOL. I don't know how the writers at this site continually come up with such great gags. Like, if I had just one of their one-line bangers, I would have mic-dropped for lyf, like when I get one question right about Britney Spears at pub trivia. Anyway. An Aussie satirical news site (so don't be fooled) that has a hilarious spin on everyday wry lols.
Large Almond Latte @largealmondlattemedia

Self-promotion? Us? Never! Couldn't make a list without a little Large Almond Latte in your life! Featuring memes, stories, and updates on the latest podcasts, articles, newsletters and lol vibes, keep up to date with all the fun happenings with us on insta! #goodvibesonly
Fashion Dads fashiondads_

Just came across this, but I'm all about it. It's pretty much what it says - lol Dads pretending to be high fash. Kinda daggy but I always enjoy people poking fun at themselves and fashunnn.
eCards @someecardsarefunny

Remember when e-cards were all the rage as you'd post them on someone's Facebook feed to flirt while the rest of us watched and lurked in the background? Well, now you can enjoy them in your own time. Pretty much memes in old-school design, they give you a good laugh and I guarantee you'll be screen-shotting them to your squad on a weekly basis.
Thoughts of Dog @dog_feelingsig

Ooh, so cute! If you like dogs (see where you measure on the dog scale here), then you will find this account just so touching, like a big virtual hug! Just follows the thoughts of one dog, but really, all dogs, and how much they love us. Too cute!
Tanya Hennessy @tanhennessy

I can thank my sister for getting me on to this. Even though normally I don't have the attention span for videos, I'll give a pass for T-Han. If you don't already know, she's an Aussie comedian that became well-known for her funny Youtube videos, like 'The A-Z of Zoom Meetings' and her online personas like hair stylist Tracey from Bathurst. It's fun, relatable and just damn likeable.
Advanced Style @advancedstyle

Creator Ari Seth Cohen co-runs this account alongside @advancedlove, which follow senior citizens' love stories and high fashion. Being able to see the effort to which some of these people dress up to walk to the shops has made me re-think my life choices, like going out to dinner in my leggings and -wait for it - I even put on a bra. Inspiring, touching, and a reminder that sometimes, getting older is just the beginning.
Arianna @butlikemaybe

This chick is so funny, Sharing doodles that show what we're all thinking, from her heels sad they don't get to go out no mo during the 'rona to her love story fails, her images are funny, quirky, relatable and fun. Love it!
What are some other happy, good-vibes accounts you'd recommend?