Old-time favs to provide you with comfort lols.

Feeling empty af now that this is over? We gotchu. Source: Film Daily
Find yourself coming to the end of a comedy show and think, fuck. Now what? You ask friends for suggestions, what's new, what's hot, what is everyone watching. You give it an ep and you're like, eh. It's okay. But it's not as good as comedies used to be. Below, we've put together some old gems you may have forgotten about and are definitely worth the comedic ride.
If you loved Brooklyn 99...
Source: GiPHY
Why not go back to...
New Girl
Source: GiPHY
Both comedies centre around a group of friends and their adventures. Whilst obviously the 99 is centred around a Brooklyn police station, old favourite New Girl is focused on Jess (Zoey Deschanel) and her new group of friends living together in New York City. It's a bit Friends, a bit How I Met Your Mother, and there's a fun crossover ep between the two that makes watching both all the more worthwhile!
Watch on Netflix.
If you loved Schitt's Creek...
Source: GiPHY
Why not go back to...
Arrested Development
Source: GiPHY
One of the true comedy greats. As the narration goes, it is 'the story of a wealthy family who lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together. It's Arrested Development.' It's a show of a dysfunctional family who do not learn or grow, which funnily enough, makes it all the more watchable. It's witty, dark, hilarious, and truly ground-breaking. I honestly found the first few eps of Schitt's Creek to be a bit of a poor man's Arrested Development. Whilst both shows are amazing, you absolutely need both a Moira Rose and Lucille Bluth matriarch in your life.
Watch on Disney+
If you loved A.P Bio...
Source: GiPHY
Why not go back to...
Source: GiPHY
Look, they are pretty much the same show, but I love both regardless. Over-confident dickhead has to go back to a school/uni situation. Thinks he is better than everyone, but learns from the students, teachers and people he meets along the way. That said, they're both super funny, cutting, quick, and have great side gags and characters that keep you involved. Full discolsure: I bolted on Community the second Donald Glover's character Troy left (how could it possibly continue without Troy and Ahbed in the mor-ning?!) but you've still got a solid five seasons of lols in there before then.
Watch on Netflix.
If you loved Zoe's Extraordinary Playlist...
Source: GiPHY
Why not go back to...
Source: GiPHY
Okay so admittedly, I couldn't get into Zoe's... Sorry. I'm camp, but it was a little over-the-top even for me, and the sad dad thing, couldn't deal, even if Sandy Cohen does have the best eyebrows in town. Anyway. If you love your song and dance numbers, why not give Glee a revisit? Sure, is the show cursed and filled with extraordinarily problematic and traumatic events off-screen? Yes, but you can still enjoy a few spirit fingers in Seasons 1 and 2, and their bringing of the mash-up and diverse characters to the mainstream. Just turn off when they go to college, the show flies off the rails.
Watch on Netflix.
If you loved Younger...
Source: GiPHY
Why not go back to...
Source: GiPHY
Loved this back in the day. Is it full of privileged white women who are actually all terrible, narcissistic people? Yes. But does it also give lols, good storylines and introduce us to Adam Driver? Also yes. What I did like is that all the character career climbing was actually realistic for 20-somethings starting out (looking at you, Carrie Bradshaw with your one-column a week and $800 shoes), and it depicted what it is to be feminine in a really modern way. If you're just in the mood for a bath and a girly show (aren't we all?) it's worth a revisit, and despite what people say, still pretty extraordinary that it was written, produced, starring and occasionally directed by Lena Dunham when she was only 25.
Watch on Foxtel and Binge.
If you loved The Good Place...
Source: GiPHY
Why not go back to...
The Office
Source: GiPHY
Launching the careers of the likes of John Karinski and setting Steve Carrell into the stratosphere, The Office is a mockumentary-style show focused on a bunch of misfits at a paper company, Dunder Mifflin, in Scranton Pennsylvania. Depicting the everyday nuances of office life with over the top characters full of ego, inappropriate behaviour and questionable ethics, The Office is always an easy re-visit.
If you loved Ballers...
Source: GiPHY
Why not go back to...
Source: GiPHY
Look. Is Entourage sexist, homophobic, 'problematic' and outrageously dated in 2021? 100%. It would never in a million years get made today. But is it also interesting, easy to watch, funny and well-made? Absolutely. Entourage focuses on Vinnie Chase (Adrien Grenier) an up and coming movie star, and the ups and downs of his fame journey with his childhood crew. With multiple Emmy-award winning turns from Jeremy Piven as his egotistical and crazy agent Ari, real-life guest actors, directors, singers and power players, and a realistic view of the lavish lives of the rich and famous, it's a fun journey that seamlessly slides from one ep to the next.
And if none of these takes your fancy, you know you can always revisit old favs like Friends
30 Rock, Seinfeld and Modern Family.
Ah. Comfort tv.
For more, check out the Best Shows You Missed In 2020.