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What The F*ck Does A Senior Work Integrated Learning Coordinator Do?

Jessica Taylor Yates

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

Each month, let's investigate a career we might know the title of, but have zero idea how they fill their 9-5. This month, let's find out - what the f*ck does a 'Senior Work Integrated Learning Coordinator' do?

With Rose Watson, Senior Work Integrated Learning Coordinator

Image: Supplied

What do you do?

I work at Deakin University within the Arts and Education Faculty.

Explain more detail what does that mean. like, okay it's 9am and...

You know when you went to uni, and there was all that fun stuff you could do for credit that saw you interning with journalists at the ABC, doing a teaching placement in Nepal or heading off to Tokyo to put on an art exhibition with your classmates? Well, I develop and manage these types of programs. Our team sells ourselves as doing all the ‘fun stuff you can do outside the classroom’ for credit. Obviously COVID-19 has changed the way we work this year and the types of programs we can offer our students. I’m currently working on some really cool domestic programs which have students connecting and working with other students and organisations around the world from the comfort of their homes.

Do you like it? What’s good and bad about it?

I love it! The thing I love the most is the people I work with. My team is fantastic. Every one is forward-thinking and a genuine superstar. I also enjoy getting to know students before they undertake our programs, then watching them build some confidence and perspective. The best part though is when I’ve been able to jet off with the students to places like Sri Lanka, Japan, Peru and lead these programs. I’m amazed at how confident students are these days. When I was a student, my face would turn bright red with just the thought of the teacher asking me a question in class. Could. Not. Cope. With. Attention! Now, I’m all for it, but it took me going on exchange and undertaking a couple of internships throughout my studies to gain that confidence. I love seeing the shy students go through the same transformation I went through.

What kind of person should do a job like yours?

Someone who is social, patient and enjoys public speaking. Someone who is really good at ‘winging it’ is great for times that you have a five-minute warning before being asked to talk about career education and skills development in front of a lecture of 400+ students!



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 By Jessica Taylor Yates

©2024 Japes' Place by Jessica Taylor Yates (née Meisels)

ABN 82 601 656 167

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